Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to the Jungle

Got to the big DC last night - 9 hour uneventful drive. Going to have to be a city-slicker for the next 3 months. Gotta go for the "professional" appearance, not an out of town tourist holding up the metro map. Within spitting distance from the AU Tenley campus is the Presbyterian National Church and Center, various ambasador residences, Network studios, and other pretty unique stuff. Our orientation was in the sanctuary of the Church and right off the bat medics were called for someone who fainted or something. After that, I learned just what I would be doing for the next semester academic wise.

Overall, I am a bit overwhelmed. Feeling like a freshman all over again does not help the situation. Soon enough I will be set in some what of a routine and feel like a pro, but now everything is encompassed under the broad "unknown." Regular classes and sooner or later an internship will set me on the right path.

A little worried about the stories I hear here... Going to try hard not to be "that intern."

On the dorm front, my one room mate that is here is pretty cool. He is from South Korea (Seoul) and is doing international trade. My other room mate, is a German who is not here yet. Supposedly he is finishing up exams at home and will be here soon. Our small triple will be a little cramped, but will hopefully encourage me to use my time wisely and see the city a lot.