Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Currently listening to:   My AC dying

So, after 2 years at college and soon to be 3 summers at camp, I have decided that once I get my own place the bathroom will remain spotless.  Thank God we have some one that cleans our dorm bathroom almost daily, or I would start cracking heads.  I really don't think people think of others when they act.  There are fellow residents who leave clothes on all the hooks, their soaps and shampoos on all the shelves, and various and random things on the counters.  

And a carpet of pubic hairs.

Please, if you share a shower with anyone anywhere, try and rinse your hair out when you are done.  Common Courtesy.  At camp, we have the kids clean their cabin AND bathroom every morning.  They slowly realize over the summer that when they make less of a mess, there is less they have to clean up.  Summer Camp teaches you how to aim.  Miracles behold.

My bathroom, when I make my first million, will include tile, large beam wood rafters, a bay window, marble counter tops, and with out a doubt a urinal.

What about yours?

1 comment:

Captain Awesome said...

Large beam rafters are great for dust, and spider webs!