Monday, May 4, 2009


Currently watching: Law & Order CI

I feel so lost when it comes to texting.  I refuse to take shortcuts in grammar, thus forcing me to spend 5 minutes per text.  And I was just introduced to T-9, that's a whole new world.  I used to think that texting served no purpose whatsoever, and that calling was the way to go.  Slowly, I have come to understand that texting is the technological small talk.

I hate small talk - hence the problem.

I feel that if I'm talking to someone, let's talk about something worthwhile.  Let's have a heart to heart.  Let's get to know each other, not the score of the latest series.  I guess we can put ourselves out there to everyone, what a shame.  Imagine if we were all transparent, the truth that would set us free.  But small talk is a function of societal norms, and we all have to conform.  Now I try and catalogue things to recall and chat aimlessly about.  Or text aimlessly.

In slowly discovering the art of the Small Talk,

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